The development of this program is partly supported by IPA
(Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan).
What is DAVL?
DAVL(Disk Allocation Viewer for Linux) is a program which collects and visualizes the fragmentation status information of Linux filesystem, ext2/ext3.
DAVL can collect the fragmentation status information regardless of whether filesystem is mounted, and can output its text data or visualize it.
DAVL programs
DAVL consists of the following two programs.
The collecting information program of filesystem
The visualizing program of the fragmentation status information
And DAVL includes the following kernel module.
The collecting information module of file block
This module is used by dac(the collecting information program of filesystem), when DAVL collects information from the mount partition.
Compile/Execution environment
The following software is necessary for the compilation and the execution of DAVL.
Linux kernel v2.4 / v2.6
GTK+1.2 or GTK+2
DAVL can work on the following environment.
Fedora Core 2(Upstream kernle v2.6.9)
Miracle Linux v3.0(Kernel v2.4.21 for Miracle Linux v3.0)
The features of DAVL
DAVL supports ext2/ext3 filesystem, and has the following features.
DAVL can collects the fragmentation status information for a partition, a directory, and a file regardless of whether filesystem is mounted.
DAVL supports two output format, text and graph.
User save the DAVL text data once, and can display it later.